Our Team
As a team, we have invested in and founded more than 40 companies, which collectively have created over £1 billion in value over the past three decades.
John is the Founding Partner of The SideBySide Partnership International. He is best known as a healthcare information technology specialist having founded and then grown the world's first sales force automation system which was focused on healthcare industries. Dendrite grew to $420m in revenue and served 52 countries, with 26 international offices, and 3,500 employees and was public for 15 years (Nasdaq: DRTE). It was valued on sale at over $780m.
John subsequently became Chairman and CEO of EKR Therapeutics, a specialist hospital products provider which manufactured and sold high technology Biologics, and rebuilt the company to over $200m in revenue. John is also a very engaged private angel investor, investing in over 30 early-stage companies and most recently exiting Instamed (sold for $500m) and Systech (sold for $165m).
The Dendrite Story
10 Lessons Learned from One Entrepreneur's Adventure
Some of Sheli’s more significant previous achievements include founding Software Associates International (grew to $25m in revenue) and being responsible for global merger and acquisition activity for Dendrite (Nasdaq: DRTE) a Healthcare information technology specialist. Sheli works directly with our portfolio companies to help develop their business plans and key strategic initiatives.